Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Haunted Humpday! Notes Journal

Haunted Humpday rolls around again and I thought I didn't have anything to share for it this week, and then I remembered, yes I do! So I'm jumping in again.  But first, let's thank our host Marfi-topia, for hosting this even every year! Thank you!!!


At Wal-Mart, while looking for journal possibilities for Amanda's birthday, I found small binders, about half the size of the regular assortment. I bought one for her along with another type- I've mentioned this before, I think. But I liked it so much that I went back and bought one for myself. Amanda has yet to decorate hers, but I've done mine and made it 'witchy'. 

What I like about these binders is that they are pretty durable, which in our house is kind of a blessing. Between us and the cats, stuff gets dropped and knocked off tables and such. I also like that I can decorate and not worry about what I've done getting ruined easily- barring a spill. 


So what I did was measure out scrapbook paper from the book I bought this year at Michael's, to do the spine and front. Amanda had to help me with a little of it because I have trouble scooting paper into the spine slot. 
On the front I used a tag from my scrapbook supplies and then added stickers from a small book of stickers of the same theme as the scrapbook paper. 


On the back I didn't want to fight with the paper and two hardware pieces. So instead, I used one of the pretty tarot card cards from another batch of goodies from this theme. Honestly, if I had the money, I would buy two more of what I have from this scrapbook/journaling/and craft theme.

On the inside, I used some planner stickers and inspirational quotes I saved and printed on sticker paper to move into a kind of moon/witch theme. 

Links for the Moonlit Manor themed stickers and stuff are here:

Since I suddenly find myself with a week off, I'm hoping to dig the Halloween decorations out of the garage and start decorating! Then, perhaps I will be able to do a spooky tour of our living room (still in progress), as a haunted humpday post!



  1. Thanks for joining in this week!
    I love what you created!!!!!!I just got the moonlit manor papers too!
    You did a beautiful job, my friend!
    Can't wait for the spooky tour of your living room:)
    Happy Haunted Humpday!

    1. Thank you! I just went back to Michael's yesterday to pick up some more of the moonlit manor stuff, but it was sold out. It seems it was a truly popular theme this year!
      The living room is almost finished! I brought in the Halloween stuff yesterday and am excited to take pictures when everything is done.
