Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Inktober 2018 art dump

This is the prompt list for Inktober and the main one I am following. There is one specifically for Takashi Shirogane  (Shiro) from Voltron that I might play with a little too, but I kind of just want to hang on to that one and do it at my leisure. 

So, here's what I've managed to do so far... And yes, I am running a day behind. 

1. Poison
Done with ball point pen, sharpie, and I 'tried' to use my calligraphy pen but it wasn't doing what I wanted.

2. Tranquil, because the moon makes everything calm.
I was trying out a Sumi-e style of painting but its harder than it looks and I don't think Calligraphy brushes are the right things to use. So while it is calligraphy ink, it mostly came out looking like a watercolor-ish mess.  I can paint the moon and a hell of a lot better than that. LOL!

3. Roasted
Ball point pen was used for this one. While looking for inspiration for this prompt, I kept seeing marshmallows or weird stuff. I went a little weird and decided to go with a mermaid. 

4. Spell. 
Done with Sharpie.

5. Chicken. I was hungry
Done with Sharpie

6. Drooling
This is what happens when I lack inspriation, don't care too much about the prompt and just kind have an art fart on paper. Its awful and drawn with Sharpie.

7. Exhausted. 
This one is a my favorite so far. Its my second attempt at drawing Shiro from Voltron but the first using a reference. I used Sharpie and pencil. 


  1. all these are awesome!!great job on them!!

    1. Thank you, Marfi! I know I'm not the best artist, but I'm happy that I can at least have fun with this.
