Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The antics of cats, small breakdown, and it really will take a few months

This morning I am cold, tired, and ache all over, but I've been up since 4:48 am and been semi productive. I've made coffee, had breakfast, and started working on school stuff. And, I've even given the cats a morning treat. Narcisa was so pleased with me she brought me her blue mouse toy. That's her baby. It has been lost for awhile but it appeared in our bedroom last night. I am taking that as progress that she's beginning to relax a little. She's been a bit wigged out since before our wedding and the new house has a lot of new sounds she's not used to. And, she's been moved twice, so I think she's a little worried this isn't home yet. But her ottoman is here, her kitty tree is here, and some of other furniture and items are slowly making it into the house. 

Thorin took to the house just fine and was playing with toys as soon as we put the paper Torrid bag we were keeping them in, out. He's pretty good about going to the bag, finding what he wants, playing with it, and promptly losing it under the sofa. He has his favorites, of course, and lately, he's bee bringing me a small orange puff ball around 1 am. It doesn't matter if I am asleep, he will paw at me to wake me up and then he drops his little puff ball in my hand or on the pillow next to me and wait for me to throw it. In other words, my cat plays fetch and does so better than most dogs I have met. However, last night I threw the ball and it went behind the bedroom door. Narcisa saw where it went and went after it, and then I think she hid it because I couldn't find it for him this morning and he wasn't able to find it last night. But at 4:48 this morning there was a blue puff ball on the pillow next to my head, so he must have given up and gone after the other one in the toy bag. 

Back to things slowly coming in to the house. We're going to have to have a garage sale... Unless I say screw it and just donate everything. Amanda's going to go through some records, we've been going through some manga and books- yeah, I said books, there are some I don't figure I will ever read again or haven't read and probably won't. I need to go through some cds. We've got some kitchen ware I need to go through, clothing, and other assorted sundries. Meanwhile...

I have been keep a look out at thrift stores for Avon's 1870 Cape Cod ruby dish set. So far I have the serving bowl and the little cream pitcher. I think they are beautiful! Actually, now that I think of it, I have been collecting these too,

I have four of the glasses and two of the dessert glasses from this particular line. No, wit, I have three glasses because a friend broke one when washing it when I had surgery last year. She was so upset, but it's just a glass and I am sure I can find another. What matters was that she wasn't hurt. 

I've also decided that my house is not going to be clean- not in the way I would like- until we are done moving stuff in and going through it, which is frustrating and takes a toll on me emotionally. But hey, I found my fucking tea kettle, so at least I can drink tea while I stare overwhelmed at the mess. 

On a final note, while we were pulling things out of the garage yesterday, I was looking through some scrabooking paper boxes for a certain paper book for a project I want to do, when I came across the book I got specifically for our wedding. Instantly I crumbled in a tear filled meltdown over the fact that I have very little photos from my wedding and those that I do have aren't very good, my parents were there and that still hurts, and Amanda's trying to make up for everything we didn't get to do at our wedding this summer, with a Black Moon Ball- which I will talk about later. And of course it didn't just stop there, my brain quite happily lept right off that cliff and went down an awful spiral. To be honest, I have suspected this was going to happen. I don't even think that twenty minutes sobbing in the garage was the full episode, I think that might have just been the precursor. I would rather that was all and that I was done with it and moving on, but if it isn't, well, it is what it is. I'll deal with it like I always do. 


  1. The black moon ball sounds awesome. I know what you mean about the boxes and everything not being in order it'll take time but when it gets done that will be such a relief in it.

    1. I hope it will be and I certainly hope I feel relief when its done, lol.

  2. Wow! Good luck with the Cape Cod stuff! It's pretty hard to find and often very pricey unless you run into someone who doesn't realize it's value. Protect what you have like GOLD. You probably know all this of course but I thought I'd toss in my two cents anyhow.

    As far as felines go, I've been trying to adopt through a local place called Valley Pet Association. I told her I lived alone, was disabled, etc, where I lived. She said she didn't want to adopt out their blind kitten to me because they've been in this building and think it's not safe. Nevermind that if my kitty gets in the hall there are still two security doors. She said the blind kitty was active and unsuitable for my building. So I ask her if they do have any suitable cats for me. So she suggests I foster a new one. A few days pass. No word from her. I call the Friday before last and she said she has to take her to the vet the following Monday. Now it's been over a week and she hasn't contacted me. I think this woman never intended me to adopt or foster a cat because of my disability and / or fixed income but she's too much of a coward to be an adult and just say no. It's cruel just string me along and get my hopes up. They have a Facebook page. I'm seriously thinking of doing a name and shame on their organization. >:-(

    1. Hold back on the shame thing for a little bit, you don't want her to black list you from her place or from any other place. Are there other places that adopt cats out? And if you can adopt one, can you get a free one from craig's list or any being advertised around?

    2. I've tried Craig's list and mostly get no replies because they've not taken their ad down. Other times I've tried through Craigslist it's turned out to be info gathering scams or cats too far away from where I live to go pick up.
      Good you mentioned holding off name and shame. If she's willing to string me along, she'd certainty have no compunctions about blacklisting me.

    3. That's such bullshit! Why are people so disgusting? Well, if craig's list is bunked, then what about the news paper or facebook marketplace or local adds? Surely there's got to be something.

    4. It's strange you mention blacklisting. Remember five or six years back when I took Dusty to the vet for constipation? And they requested that I leave him there for overnight so she could examine him early next day, etc.? But when I asked her which of the staff observe overnight, she told me no one did and that they were all leaving in two hours. Plus she requested I leave the cat carrier behind. I suspect she had no room for him. For this she wanted to charge me 300.00. I declined and Dusty ended up pooping the next day anyhow. Then he went on to live another four or five years til about 16 years, normal for a Siamese. Those two cats were my reasons for living. They were my heart and soul! Personally, I suspect she grudge blacklisted me years ago. Several months ago I requested to see a cat through Valley Pet Association. She was sort of cagey when I gave her my name and address. She said she'd send me an application and I never received one. I think that twat had me blacklisted because I was too smart to let her pull 300.00 right out from under me.

  3. I'll keep an eye out for the stuff at thrift stores for you too. your kitties are adorable..
    Our cats were freaked a bit when we moved to...Rigby and Peeves had a hard time..but Logan and Tabitha didn't seem to care at all.
    They are all doing great now, it's been two weeks.

    one box at a time is how you can get through it... and take lots of breaks:)
    good luck!

    1. Aww, thank you.
      I think my kitties are feeling better now. Narcisa's still a little bit twitchy, but getting better..
      I haven't been as caught up on blogs as I would have liked so I missed that you were moving. Congrats on the new place!
      Thanks for the luck, good luck to you too!

    2. thank you:x
      Glad the cats are feeling better.
