Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Haunted Humpday!

I didn't know if I was going to be able to do Haunted Humpday this time because I have something going on already for the month of October. That was really stupid of me, because I can totally combine the two! 

So for this Haunted Humpday's meager offering, I am going to triple dip and post the two poems that I did for my poetry class and that are being put into the IEPG newsletter. 

Dance Samhain © Hannah Richardson 

Come to the dark forest
Follow the black cats
Hear the witches’ chorus
Put on pointed hats
Dance Samhain with vampire bats.

Samhain Night © Hannah Richardson

Skeletons dance, old bones a clattering
Air chilled night sets teeth a chattering
Merriment comes for Summer's work is over
Hearty feast and Soul Cakes shared with a lover
Ancestors honored at the thinning of the veil
Iridescent spirits from beyond do hail
Night leaves fall to the earth
Neatly crushed beneath our mirth
Immortal Gods of old are felt
Giving blessings to all who helped
Happy end to a long, drown out year
The coming year none will fear

Happy Haunted Humpday!


  1. Very nice!

    (But, do you mean *drawn*..?)

    1. yes, thank you, lol I will let them know before it gets posted to the newsletter *sigh*

  2. These are lovely Hannah!
    Thank you for joining in!
    I really appreciate it:-)

  3. I especially enjoy the second poem, and am so excited for a new year to begin.
