Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Impromptu date night, chills, some reading

More Joseph Vargo

Yesterday there was a message in my e-mail holding a really generous gift from my friend Fiona. She sent us a gift card for our anniversary to a restaurant we like, which was very sweet of her. She didn't have to do that, but she did and we appreciate it so very much. Since I wasn't feeling the greatest yesterday, I decided that we would use it last night for an impromptu date of sorts. We had a nice time and on the way home, we drive up the hill to see what the Elk's Club was about. We discovered several cats running about and a couple of RV's were parked. I think it is just a club for retired people with a bit more money than we have, where they can hang out and kind of camp with a nice view of the valley. 

After we returned home, we watched some list videos on youtube, Hercules the Disney movie, and an episode of School for Little Vampires.  I, of course, fell asleep on the sofa, as I usually do. I have this thing where the moment I get comfortable, I fall asleep, especially at night. 

This morning I awoke to  a chill in the air and that is something I really love. Had I not needed to get up, I might have stayed in bed for a little bit snuggling in the blankets and I might toddle off later to do so since I am having a hard time staying awake. 

PCOS problems are in full force this morning. Bad cramps, bleeding heavily, and exhaustion are really wiping me out today. I am hoping that a short nap will help. Sometimes it is just better to give in, instead of trying to write a bog for the last hour only dozing every few minutes, as I have been. There is some serious reading I need to finish today and I know I can do it, but I need to be awake and less foggy brained. 

I think that is is for today. I have other things to share, but I think I will wait until tomorrow for Haunted Humpday, because they fall more into that category anyway. 


  1. I hope you're feeling better now Hannah.
    That was so awesome of your friend!
    Happy anniversary btw

    1. I'm a little better. It was really awesome of her!
      Thank you for the anniversary wishes!
